Mobile Transformation
Mobile Transformation Lab: Ideation and Creation
Why have a Mobile Transformation Lab?
Nationally, school libraries are going through a metamorphosis to meet the needs of 21st-century learners by focusing on student interests within the parameters of standards-based instruction. Additionally, companies are seeking employees who are successful while collaborating in small groups, share ideas, and creatively solve problems. The role of this program is support the needs of today's students while preparing them for the future needs of the workforce.
Researched Based:
One of our services includes access to the MTL repository of lessons, reference materials, and emerging technologies to provide a framework that supports the Texas Association of School Administrator’s Visioning Document, the International Society for Technology in Education standards (ISTE NETS), Lewisville Independent School District’ s strategic design plan, and the Future Ready Librarian initiative. We rely on Ruben Pentedura’s SAMR model, IDEO's and Stanford's d. School model for Design Thinking, and Grant Wiggins' and Jay McTighe’s Understanding by Design (UbD) to scaffold materials for teachers and librarians.
Who has access? This course is open to everyone to use and modify. Please site the individual authors. This is a share and share alike environment. Share your successes with us!If you are in Lewisville ISD, give us a call, and we can start planning innovative, engaging, and collaborative lessons to meet your campus, library, and classroom needs.